
Fundraising poster download

For anyone wanting to help fundraise or help with the rehoming of any of our Danes, please use this poster (PDF, 1.3MB). Thank you!

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Check out our Facebook page for some great auctions to raise funds for Daneline.


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Thank you to Aud Beech for the following lovely poem about our fridge magnets!

I'm only 47 next birthday,
And it's a crying shame,
So many things get forgotten,
It's my poor memory that's to blame,
Therefore, held high upon my fridge door,
(So I don't have to bend),
Are all the things I need to do,
Before the day meets its end,
My shopping list for Sainsburys,
My old van's MOT,
Oh good grief, the dentist!
And what my fella wants for tea.

No longer do my 'notes to self' fall down upon the floor,
As I've just received my extra large magnets,
And I reckon I'll buy some more,
They're double the size of my old ones,
So they have much greater grip,
When I fix a bit of paper, I know that it won't slip.
My life's in better order now,
To see that is quite plain,
And the best bit is the money raised,
helps save a Dane in pain,
So now my fridge looks cheery,
No longer white and plain,
Now's the time to buy Daneline magnets,
So YOUR fridge can look the same!