Rescue Stories
Destiny's story...
Part One
Hello everyone. I can start my story from last Saturday, December 8th, when I was left by my owners tied up to a BUS STOP!!!!!!! I had been abandoned. I don't think I can understand humans. I have had puppies so made money for my owners, and that is their way to thank me. I am quite thin and very hungry, life has not been good to me. Even my breeder wasn't a caring person, all he thought about was money. I was tied up near the PDSA in Birmingham and they took me in; they were so kind to me and I kept hearing them talk about Daneline? At the time I didn't understand, but on Tuesday morning a lovely couple came to take me away, I was very scared and messed in their car. These people are looking after me now and no-one shouted at me, just cleaned me and told me I was a lovely girl. I then went to see a vet lady who gave me a vaccination, said I can be wormed in a few days when my tummy settles down.
Part Two
One week ago I was tied to a lamp post by a vet's surgery and left all alone without anyone to care for me. Fortunately for me, the nurses in the vet's took me in and looked after me until I could come to my foster home.
My first car journey was a bit scary, but I've been in a car several times now and am quite happy to sleep on my bed until I get where we are going. It helps that my foster home has another Dane called Freya who has become my friend. There are also two smaller dogs in the house and we all get on very well. I like having another dog for company and Freya and I share beds in front of the fire in the evening and sleep in the same room overnight. Freya has even let me share her sofa bed, which we both fit on when we're sitting up. I hope my new forever home has another dog for me to live with. I have spent every night curled up on my bed without any worries because I know I'm safe now and I like being good for my foster mum and dad.
I've not started to play with any toys yet, but Freya has brought some of hers over for me if I feel I want to play with them. I think I'm not really sure what playing is yet, but I think I will like it once I get the hang of it and I'm starting to feel a bit more bouncy and I'm wagging my tail more. My foster mum and dad keep giving me loads of hugs and fuss and I really like that because it makes me feel safe and loved.
I've been a bit scared of going out in the garden on my own in the dark, I think it may be because being tied up and left worried me alot, but my foster dad comes out with me and so does Freya and that makes it alright. I like to have my foster parents around, but they have gone out a couple of times and left me home in the warm with Freya for a short while and I've just slept and waited for them to come home.
I'm a little bit thin at the moment, but I'm eating all my food so I'll soon be looking great. After the initial stress of being abandoned when my tummy had an upset, I haven't had any tummy problems and I've not had any accidents at all in the house.
I have been taken to the vet to have my first vaccination and flea spot-on and that didn't worry me at all. I have also had my worming tablets, so that's all my health checks taken care of until my second vaccination.
I've met quite a lot of people and I like to get a fuss from them all. One young girl came straight over to me a gave me lots of fuss, which was really great. It was quite strange being made such a fuss of by someone so small. I'm not a very big Great Dane, but I make up for my size by being very loving and well behaved. My foster parents say I'm better behaved than Freya, who can be a bit bonkers at times, betwen you and me.
Anyway, I'm off for a sleep with Freya by the fire now. I'll write more soon and I'm hoping that I can find my own forever home soon, just like Freya who was rescued by Daneline, just like me.
Happy Christmas everyone, and I hope my special wish comes true.
Love Destiny.
I've found a lovely forever home now, so if you feel you have time in your lives to adopt one of the many dogs Daneline has awaiting their permanent home, please give Lissi or Sue a call.
If you know of a Great Dane in need, please click here to see how to contact us.
Once I was a lonely dog
Just looking for a home.
I had no place to go,
No one to call my own.
I wandered up and down the streets,
in rain in heat and snow.
I ate what ever I could find,
I was always on the go.
My skin would itch, my feet were sore,
My body ached with pain.
And no one stopped to give a pat
Or to gently say my name.
I never saw a loving glance,
I was always on the run.
For people thought that hurting me
was really lots of fun.
And then one day I heard a voice
So gentle, kind and sweet,
And arms so soft reached down to me
And took me off my feet.
"No one again will hurt you"
Was whispered in my ear.
"You'll have a home to call your own
where you will know no fear."
"You will be dry, you will be warm,
you'll have enough to eat
And rest assured that when you sleep,
your dreams will all be sweet."
I was afraid I must admit,
I've lived so long in fear.
I can't remember when I let
A human come so near.
And as she tended to my wounds
And bathed and brushed my fur
She told me 'bout the rescue group
And what it meant to her.
She said, "We are a circle,
A line that never ends.
And in the center there is you
protected by new friends."
"And all around you are
the ones that check the pounds,
And those that share their home
after you've been found."
"And all the other folk
are searching near and far.
To find the perfect home for you,
where you can be a star."
She said, "There is a family,
that's waiting patiently,
and pretty soon we'll find them,
just you wait and see."
"And then they'll join our circle
they'll help to make it grow,
so there'll be room for more like you,
who have no place to go."
I waited very patiently,
The days they came and went.
Today's the day I thought,
my family will be sent.
Then just when I began to think
It wasn't meant to be,
there were people standing there
just gazing down at me.
I knew them in a heart beat,
I could tell they felt it too.
They said, "We have been waiting
for a special dog like you."
Now every night I say a prayer
to all the gods that be.
"Thank you for the life I live
and all you've given me.
But most of all protect the dogs
in the pound and on the street.
And send a Rescue Person
to lift them off their feet."